Genealogy of Captain D. Alonso Fernandez de Lugo and of Conquering it Houses of Sta. Cruz de Tenerife and Greater Adelantado of the Canary Islands and the Lugo relatives
The Family
Alonso Fernandez de Lugo and of the Houses, as it will be possible to be seen in the genealogical part of this same work, has his Galician roots, distributed between the houses of the city of Lugo, the Lugo, and of Santa Marta de Ortigueira, in A Corunna, although natural of Sanlúcar de Barrameda. Fernando II has been the Galician conqueror with more relevance during the reign of D., Aragón (1479-1516) and its Dª wife Isabel I of Castile (1474-1504), more known by Kings Católicos; just like he would be it his son D. Pedro Fernandez de Lugo, in times Carlos V (1517-1558).
We do not know to great thing of its childhood and youth, but its personality demonstrates the own ambivalence of the figure of the conqueror of America, that was not more than a terrible mixture of cruelty and ambition or covets, it on the one hand and as well great capacity and sense to impose order and government in conquered earth. It is impossible to deny the treatment and the cruelties which they were put under guanches, many of them, mainly men sold like slaves in the markets of Valencia, where his it completes aspiration of freedom was not other than the death. Its capacity for agriculture and the commerce does not have either to refuse to the conqueror of which it was great potenciador. Thus it gathers a Real Certificate given by the RR.CC in Tortosa in of February of 1496 and 28 documents authorizing the repartimiento of earth in the islands of Santa Cruz de Tenerife and San Miguel of the Palm, that have been 15 the 5 date of and November of 1496.
Our personage, in 1478 to the orders of Juan Rejón, comprises very active in the conquest of Gran Canaria and later he participates in expeditions to side of Pedro de Vera, that the control of the castle of Agaete trusted to him, and the same Tenerife and the Palm, that is the most important islands of the canary archipelago. Alonso Fernandez de Lugo took advantage of to the maximum his trip to the Peninsula to ask for permission to successfully obtain aid to Corona with the firm intention to even undertake the conquest of the islands in the power of the natives. Being by the monarchs approved his proposal, after sizing the repartimientos that Side had granted him, the conqueror is appointed governor of the Palm, and at the same time they grant the privilege to him of fifth of the captives and booty, that came being half from fifth of Berbería and the one of Tenerife; being promised the very elevosa sum to him of 700,000 maravedís, as long as it obtained the conquest of the Island in I finish of a year. The date is not known with certainty in that it managed to disembark in the Palm, but is possibly presumed that it was during the month of September of 1492, not finding opposition in Aridane nor in other principalities, it due to the intervention of the indigenous palm baptized with the name of Francisca de Guzmán, the same that years later would become against the conqueror in defense of its brothers of race, which they had been enslaved and they were sold in the markets just like any other merchandize.
Nevertheless Alonso Fernandez de Lugo and their troops found strong resistance in other sides, where their heads the menceyes would finish being put under in April of 1493, with the exception of Tanausú de Aceró, that she resisted in the Boiler and she was captured the following month. Alonso put to the front of that one company to his nephew Juan, so that she took care of the administration and distribution of earth, and projected the conquest of Tenerife, resigned to the 700,000 maravedís promised by Corona as a result of the conquest of the Palm. Although this resignation to be conditional to the change of the control of the expedition to Tenerife. In the same it is possible to distinguish two stages in the conquest of the island. First of them she was noticeable and it was settled with the defeat of Acentejo, when year 1494 ran, being a fort military failure for Fernandez de Lugo and his troops, trained in greater part by Castilian and canary, although between first by their last names or his it can say that they or their immediate ancestors had galaico origin. The second stage was carried out in October of 1495, in this one case with I exercise more numerous, than to obtain it the Lugo even got to sell I devise of Agaete, the own goods and those of his wife, receiving as well ample aid of the Duke of Medina Sidonia and other tycoons.
The attack strategy far better was raised that during the first incursions and the activities was taken with much but it prevents; gaining the first victory in the month of November of 1495 in Grace, during January of 1496 it manages to win to the natural ones in the place called from then Victory of Acentejo. Finally during the spring of the same year, it puts under his you order in Realejo those that until that moment had been the menceyes of the Island, which they were baptized in Toledo: “and it took with himself nine kings who make haste in this island of Tenerife; and it took being His Heights in Almaçán, the six and ninety year, and one gave them, and His Heights and had by very well served as the Advanced saying”. As a result of the conquest of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Alonso is appointed governor and greater justice of this one island and also of the Palm. He was named Advanced the 12 of January of 1503, and confirmed in this position by Carlos I, in Barcelona, the 17 of August of 1519, with faculty of which the heiress its son. His government to similarity of the conquerors of the Indians realizes, it with hand signs and lasts, by far despotism and abuse. Despite with good instinct of the government needs. Their aggressive extreme action greed does creditor to him of enormous expenses, to which it must face up selling I devise of Agaete, sale that realized in 28 of February of 1496; the same has been confirmed by Kings Católicos. It as well realizes the sale of natives as slaves, method who already had practiced in the island of the normal Palm and between the conquerors.
In the submission of guanches Fernandez de Lugo has little tact, and she does not repair at the time of enslaving the condition of different sides, that is to say, allies or enemies, it gives equal him, ominous positioning that gives rise to infinity of claims and Corona is even seen in the obligation take part, commanding to Sanchez de Valenzuela, that was governor of Gran Canaria, with the order to release to all the islanders submissive by the Lugo to the hardest slavery. Kings Católicos, in successive letters, try to make include the conqueror who is necessary to be equilatando in each case the origin of the captivity, subject that hits the interests of the different colonists frontally that enslaved and something very difficult to confront by Alonso, and just like it had happened in the island of the Palm, also appears in the scene a “authentic heroin” called Maria Morales here, who defends firmly to her brothers of race and tries them to secure her freedom.
Legally the native ones were treated just as if they were Moors, that is to say the application of the call “old unfaithful and enemy medieval code” that is to say, of the Christian faith. In the application of the real capitulations, it as much supposed that the conqueror happened to be the absolute owner, of the people and captured cattles, which allowed to have him freely of the humans and the beasts. Again, it is necessary to apply the different recommendations given by Corona, before the indiscriminate treatment between the put under ones willingly, that had been four sides and the five resistant groups military. Alonso Fernandez de Lugo, before this situation of real recommendations, constant fights on the part of some woman to release to his brothers of race, practices a fluctuating policy, that is to say to be always as well as possible positioned to his interest and state, something very common between the conquerors who followed the old customs medieval to have to the contented king and of part. On the other hand, the favor enters also game of fifth of the booty done by the monarchs and, in last term, it would also be possible to consider the other dispositions that build in the capitulations, those that I do not know a literal form.
Concluded the conquest, to the conqueror in the application of different the Mercedes and other real privileges it corresponds to him to make the distribution of the earth that had been annexed to Corona. According to it is come off the Real Certificate of the 5 of November of 1496, these could not be sold, firstly between its companions of expedition and soon between which they came to live to the islands with its families. The distribution and the distribution are carried out in agreement with the real norms, although often they are not fulfilled, and frequently the class of culture to that specific is to destine themselves each quota or lot, that usually is sugar cane, vineyard, cereals, trees and vegetables. For the purposes of which the colonists did not leave earth, the governor prohibe its sale by the initial term of five years, it, with the exception that they had his authorization that occurred in very special circumstances. When having native the great land extensions without cultivating and therefore without being plowed, made the entrance of wealthy colonists that in their majority were of origin genovés, to that necessary the advanced one used to reserve the good also most expensive lots but at the time of putting into operation. With the successive arrivals of colonists, possibly more of the precise ones, it has been necessary to subdivide the quotas, many already adjudged, it, motivating a general displeasure. But in any case, the obligatory nature of the settling during five years and the consequence put in culture of the Earth at least allow the development of the two first and main industries, the sugar bowl and the vinícola, that make take part to the islands in the European economy.
Concluded the distribution of the territory, to the conqueror it has left the booty, that is to say the natives, cattles and very possibly other wealth. Several authors also indicate that she dealed with an unfruitful form to obtain benefits of the quotas of earth.
According to he says to professor Xesús Rábade Walls to us: “The captives of good war, including the fifth real one specifically resigning, belonged to him like booty; the other natural ones, yes were of peace, they escaped of his power, and the remaining sides, if had deceived the capture in the fight, how to justify its nature and apprehension in La Paz? Excluded, then, four sides of peace, to the advanced one it has left a few natives of five remaining sides, accidentally captive, aside from a few heads of cattle, fact that the urgent economic situation of the first years puts of relief”. The conqueror had remained without hardly peculio to do in front of the numerous creditors, saving the economic situation with the sale of slaves, without repairing to that side had belonged, that is to say gave just as they were those that voluntarily accepted to be put under and those that were it by the force. Reviewing the work of Antonio Romeu Arms, and others on the same subject, he is frequent in the same to find references to lots of slaves sold in Valencia, whose liquid amount did not perceive the Lugo but it happened directly to his creditors. With the passage of some years, no longer they will be the sale of natives, perhaps so that no longer they were? One would go to sell sugar and other agricultural products.
On 3 of May of 1493, it founds the one that was called Villa of the Apurión in principle, and soon after it was known like Santa Cruz of the Palm. In the caves of You cause to decay took place the first meeting of the Town hall or City council of the island, that would govern the destinies of the island since then. The 14 of May of 1506 founded the hermitage of San Miguel on the place that takes its name; in 1509 it put the first stone to the great convent of San Francisco, whose greater chapel paid for and indicated for interment of its family.
The abundant documentation that is guarded of the facts, between the same deserves to stand out the real certificates and others of true importance that is guarded in the General archives of Simancas. In fact its consultation reflects the presence to us of slaves of each one of the nine sides in which it was divided the island of Tenerife at the time of arrived from Alonso Fernandez de Lugo. This took to give píe to a series of claims and lengths lawsuit on the part of the natural ones, promoted by the own initiative times and others helped by some Castilians that also appeal to real justice. The conqueror is really neither better nor worse than other conquerors, on the other hand, his conduct is similar or very similar to the one of any other of his contemporaries, nor the more nor the less.
Pedro Fernandez de Lugo Xuárez Gallinato, was born in Seville in 1475, passed away in Santa Marta in 1536; son of the previous Alonso Fernandez de Lugo and of the Houses, and his first Dª wife Catherine Suárez Gallinato; therefore of Galician origin. It accompanied to his father in the conquest of Palma and Tenerife, being almost a boy, and to the death of this one in 1525 inherited the Advanced title of greater of the Canary Islands than it had solicitd in 1519, happening to him as governor of the islands of Palma and Tenerife, being as well commander in chief of the African coast included between the ends of Aguer and Bajador. It served to Kings Católicos in the conquest of the Canary Islands, in 20 of February of 1497 was named paje of Reina Dª Isabel; it obtained repartimiento in the village of San Nicholas
The system of government used by him in anything was practically different from which had employed its father, that is to say, a despotic system and arbitrary, loaded of numerous complaints that even arrived at the same king Carlos V (1517-1558), that in 1526 was forced to issue a real certificate of guarantee to the canary subjects, that peculiarly provided practical effects, and - I say peculiarly since most of the contents or stipulations of the real certificates in the matter of establishing a minimum charity about the natives in rare occasions had a practical effect. It has been as a result of the execution of Pedro Hernandez de Alfaro, and before the denunciation of its widow, who was niece of the conqueror Alonso Fernandez de Lugo. Pedro Fernandez de Lugo, was destitute of the position of governor, to whom it returned to accede a year later, to be definitively stopped in 1536.
Among others companies undertaken by the Lugo, are the expedition to the coast of Africa; besides securing for the colonists some privileges and exemption of tributes. As ambitious and eager person of a major to be able took to him to request the government of Santa Marta, in present Colombia, request that was accepted to him in 1535, being appointed governor and commander in chief of Santa Marta, besides being granted the successory right to him of its son in this position, as long as it fulfilled the commitment to discover the interior. These so beneficial circumstances for him and wished as well forced to him to would embark that same year towards the new kingdoms of Indians. It took a crew of 1,500 men and, once in Santa Marta, bondas organizes an expedition against the Indians, continued soon by its son, who flees to Spain with the booty of the campaign. Soon after it organized another new expedition to the interior, under the command of Jiménez de Quesada, that left Santa Marta in the month of April of 1536. Despite the Lugo it has not been able to so enjoy the success of that expedition discoverer of the earth that later would form the kingdom of New Granada, since the conqueror in the heat of passed away development of the campaign in 1539.
The lineage
According to the Curled Father mentions to us, says that they recognize the same origin that the Fajardo, Gallego, the Breeding ground. Its antiquity is made overcome almost to the dawn of the Recapture, nothing less than to King D. Fruela I (756-758), which would have had a natural son of Dª Ermesenda Romáriz, lady of the town of Santa Marta de Ortigueira. Being at first two main houses, the one of Ortigueira and the one of Lugo, preceding of this last those that conquered and populated the Canary Islands, among them the most important personage can be said that Alonso was Captain D. Fernandez de Lugo and of the Houses, of which we have realized a small biography of he and his Pedro son Fernandez de Lugo.
This one same ancestry they left members that conquered and repopulated the province of Santa Marta (now in the limits of Colombia). The name of the same was not taken at random if not that must in memory of the common cradle of those of its last name. The members of the civilian and military power of the city of Lugo gave important prerogatives them and pre-eminence, it as much for being original of the same and also for being important repobladores, when it is practically is vacated or with very decreased population. Between the ecclesiastical prerogatives lucense was the one to now have seat in the greater chapel of the cathedral and being buried in the old chapel of the kings of San Froilán and of the Pillar.
Members of this one lineage proved their nobility with several Titles and also when entering diverse You order the Military, since it has been in the one of Santiago, in 1574. Of the primitive houses of Galicia they passed to Castile the Old man, Andalusia, Canary Islands, and of these to Santa Marta, in the Indians.
Arms: D. Julio de Antienza, in its famous work Spanish Nobiliary Dictionary, says to us that the referred lineage is Galician, descending of King D. Fruela I, by its grandson Count D. Rodrigo Romaes.
Most primitive they are: in gold field, three rocks, and on them three nettles, with seven leaves of sinople each, on waves of azur and silver, as they are possible to be seen the first sinister quarter of the head, of the shield that in the beginning appears of the writing of institution of Mayorazgo de D. Alonso Fernandez de Lugo.
Most common they are: of gules, with a cross of sinople, outlined of gold and floreteada, and cantonada of four gold ears. According to it seems the ears must be a clear heráldica reference to that they were gentlemen of Pallares.
The arms of the Lugo appear in diverse blazons that can be seen in the place of Oimbra, town near the town of Verín, where more of it has them to a shield connected with those of the Yanez, or Yáñez de Lugo, Fonseca and Baamonde.
The shield of arms of D. Alonso Fernandez de Lugo
According to one takes shelter in a document guarded in the File of Simancas, section Registry of Sello, November of 1496, among others Mercedes Kings Católicos grant license the Advanced one so that in the middle of his shield he can place two castles and two islands, says the document: “By quanto to the Kings and Princes it is own thing - they say to honrrar and to sublimate and to fazer thanks and Mercedes to his natural subjects and, especially to quellos that syrven to them well and loyally: the qual accepted to us and considering many and loyal serviçios good that you Alonso de Lugo us avedes date and fazedes of every day espeçilamente, in the conquests of ylas of Thenerife and Sant Miguel of the Palm, that you and so that can memory of so indicated tehenemos services of you and of your lineage and descendants… by good it is our will and merçed that alende and others of your arms, giving by arms two in the middle sayings you yslas and two strengths dellas, so that podáys to put and matáys in the shield of these arms that agora you thenéys; quales you trengáys and traygáys in your shield and seaman stewards, and after you your desçendientes and lineage…”
The blazon of Alonso de Lugo, with the new quarters additions to its shield by Kings Católicos, figure in front page of the writing of institution of mayorazgo realized in 18 of February of 1512, that was approved by Reina Dª Juana. This instrument is in the Provincial Historical File of Santa Cruz de Tenerife.
The shield was divided in six quarters, that is to say intervened and cut: the arms of the Mosquera are skilful quarter of the head that are of silver, five heads of degolladas and bleeding, linguadas wolf of saber, of gules, placed in vane. Quarter of the center of gules two castles of gold, armed to the conqueror by Kings Católicos. Sinister quarter of the Head arms of the Breeding ground that are of gold, with three rocks of purple, maintained of waves of azur and silver, added each of píe of nettles with seven leaves of sinople. Skilful quarter of the end the arms of the Fernandez who in this case are in gold field five leaves that could well correspond to five flowers of lily, own of the Fernandez of La Rioja, it according to indicates the heraldista Eduardo Seijas Vázquez. I do not discard that also it is possible to be dealed with a version of the lineage of the Figueiroa. Central quarter of the end of azur waved strips and two islands in green clearly, favor of the RR.CC. Sinister quarter of the end the waves of the Goyanes, silver strips waved of azur.
The Carmelite Fray Manuel of the Source, mentioned by Viera and Clavijo, in the work “History of the Canary Islands” Volume second, published in Santa Cruz de Tenerife in 1951, says in page 251, note first, gives like motto of the shield of arms of the first one Advanced, in the book dedication of its religion to Do6na Parcia Magdalena Fernandez de Lugo, Princess of Ásculi, the phrase “That sends knows to monver, she gives him to eat”; but this motto nonfigure in the writing of foundation of Mayorazgo, where it appears the mentioned shield of arms that we reproduce, nor either figure in any document that is contemporary to this foundation.
Following the wire that establishes the Curled Father and also another great student of this lineage who was it D. Francisco Fernandez de Béthencourt, whose Nobiliary work “and Blazon of the Canary Islands”, are pieces fundamental to study this one lineage, is that oldest the main branch, that is to say begins with Garci'a Froyla, Earth Mr. of Lugo, son second of count D. Pedro Fernandez de Traba and of Dª Froyla Magpie, countess of Arlanga and Tie, who had been his first wife. This count of Tie directly descended from D. Ramon, count of Monterroso, natural son of King D. Fruela I of Leon and Dª Ermesenda Romáriz, lady of Santa Mars de Ortigueira.
D. Garci'a Froyla, contracted marriage with Dª All Coronado, having by legitimate son to Juan Foyla de Lugo Coronado, ricohombre of Leon, that carried out the position of merino major of the kingdom of Galicia, in addition was governor and mayor of Lugo. It had contracted marriage with Dª Sancha Lopez de Ulloa, of those who he was legitimate son Lope Romaríz de Lugo, gentleman of the solar house of Lugo; father who was of Sancho Ramaríz de Lugo, gentleman of the solar house of Lugo, ricohombre of Leon, the Council of king of Castile D. Alonso VIII, his halconero and caudillo of the people of Lugo, that fought in the battle of the Navas of Tolosa. It contracted marriage with Dª Aldonza Fernandez de Seijas, daughter of the gentleman of territories of Nar it and the strengths of San Payo and Castro de Seijas, places near Villamayor de Ulloa; who they had by legitimate son to Ruy Froyla de Lugo, just as its predecessors gentleman of the solar house of Lugo, husband of Dª Ines de Nóvoa and Bolaño, of those who he was Lope son Perez de Lugo and Novoa, gentleman of the solar house of Lugo. Who contracted legitimate marriage with Dª Berenguela Rodriguez of Breeding ground, lady of the present city of Viveiro. The previous ones were parents of Pedro Lopez de Lugo and Rodriguez of Breeding ground, gentleman of the solar house of Lugo, butler of King D. Alonso XI; matrimonió with Dª Osenda Perez de Sotomayor and Monterroso, being legitimate son Rodrigo Lopez de Lugo and Sotomayor, gentleman of the solar house of Lugo. He carried out the position of greater notary public of the kingdom of Galicia and was mayor of Lugo. He contracted marriage with Dª Leonor the Lopez de Ocampo, of those who at least were five children. I. Lope Alfonso Yáñez de Lugo and Ocampo, (q.s.l.l.).
II Rodrigo; III Alvaro; IV Alonso; V Juan the Lopez de Lugo Ocampo, who maintained noisy lawsuits with the bishop of Lugo, by the pre-eminence of their family in the cathedral lucense, obtaining the plaintiffs real final decision to their favor failed by the Real Hearing of A Corunna.
Lope Alfonso Yañez de Lugo Ocampo, Sir who was of the solar house of Lugo, contracted marriage with Dª Teresa Garci'a de Baamonde and Montenegro, lady of the strength of the Speck of Pallares, in the days of King D. Juan II, (1406-1454). Lope Alfonso Yañez de Lugo Ocampo, was gentleman of the houses of Baamonde and Montenegro, as well as of the strength of Pallares, founded by count D. Ero de Lugo. The previous ones were parents of Rodrigo Lopez de Lugo and Baamonde, gentleman who was of the houses of Baamonde, Montenegro and strength of Pallares. It contracted marriage with Dª at least Leonor de Monterroso and Ulloa, being legitimate parents of two children:
Alvaro Yáñez de Lugo and Monterroso, just like its predecessors gentleman of the solar house of Lugo, and first Mr. of Villalba de Adja, in the party of Olmedo and province of Valladolid, señorío that acquired when happening to Castile the Old man; also he was gentleman of the castle of Fuencastín and his earth; doncel of king D. Juan II and horseman of the military order of Santiago. Their descendants were and were becoming to pave in Medina of the Field.
II. Pedro Fernandez de Lugo and Monterroso, from him descends several genealogical lines that passed to the Canary Islands and Santa Marta, in territories of Colombia. This one gentleman has been first of the family of the Lugo that domiciled in the region Andalusian, fixing his residence to the dawn of century XV in Seville, where he contracted marriage with Dª Maria Gutiérrez de Escalante, of those who were legitimate children:
A. Pedro Fernandez de Lugo and Gutiérrez de Escalane (q.s.l.l.).
B. Alonso Fernandez de Lugo and Gutiérrez de Escalante, was born in Seville, being neighboring of Sanlúcar de Barrameda, in the province of Cadiz, place where fixed its residence, contracting marriage with Dª Catherine the Moon Martinez, of those who were legitimate children:
a. D. Alonso Fernandez de Lugo and Moon Martinez; he was neighboring and regidor of Sanlúcar de Barrameda, where matrimonió with Dª Isabel Garci'a Pradal, having succession.
b. D. Juan Lugo and Moon Martinez. It carried out the position of Jury of Seville; city where she contracted marriage with Dª Ines Jaw, of those who she was legitimate daughter Francisca de Quijada and Lugo. She contracted marriage with Juan Baptist Riverol and Lugo, being parents of Luisa de Riverol and Lugo, who matrimonió with its uncle Francisco de Lugo and of the Houses, gentleman of the village of San Nicholas, in the Island of Gran Canaria.
Pedro Fernandez de Lugo and Gutiérrez de Escalante, natural of Sanlúcar de Barrameda, in Seville; it contracted marriage with Dª Ines of the Houses, also figure in several documents “of Casaus”, daughter of Guillén of the Houses, treasurer of king D. Juan I of Castile. Of those who were legitimate children:
A/ Juan Fernandez de Lugo and of the Houses, conqueror of the Palm, lieutenant of governor and greater governor of the island. Ines married in first nuptials with Dª Gutiérrez of the Rivers, and second with Dª Catherine Lopez, of whom she had succession.
B/ Francisco de Lugo and of Houses, Sir of San Nicholas, in island of Gran Canaria, who married with mentioned his Dª niece Luisa de Riverol and Lugo, of whom she had to Guillén, Pedro (regidor of Tenerife), Rodrigo, Alonso (licensed and Vicarious of Mexico), Francisco (priest), Luis (religious franciscan) and Francisca de Lugo Riverol, who matrimonió with Lope Table, being both ancestors of the Marquesses of Torrehermosa.
C/ Pedro Fernandez de Lugo and of the Houses; it passed away in 1518 in the island of the Palm, without succession.
D/ Ana de Lugo and of the Houses; the conqueror Pedro Benítez de Lugo, nicknamed contracted first nuptials with his brother cousin the One-eyed, and of second marriage he married with Pedro de Vergara, famous conqueror of Tenerife.
I. Alonso Fernandez de Lugo and of the Houses (q.s.l.l.).
II. D. Luis Manuel de Lugo and of the Houses, was religious Dominican.
III. Dª Ines de Lugo and of the Houses, contracted marriage with D. Juan Benítez Pereyra, who were gentleman of the town of Montillos, and admiral of the Navy of the ocean, trunk of the house of the Benítez de Lugo, with illustrious most noble descendants of conquerors of the River of the Silver and the Sea of the South; of the houses of Benítez de Grimaldi; of the Marquesses of Zelada; of the Quinta Marquesses Roka; of the Marquesses of Florida and the Marquesses of Villafuerte, among others.
C. Alonso Fernandez de Lugo and of the Houses, was born in Sanlúcar de Barrameda, passed away in the Canary Islands in 1525; he was General, Advanced First Justice and of the Canary Islands, conqueror of Gran Canaria, Palma and Tenerife; Commander in chief of the Coasts of Africa, it, among others positions. It contracted marriage with Dª Catherine Suárez Gallinato, of the house of his last name. D. Alonso Fernandez de Lugo, in second nuptials married with the illustrious lady of queen Dª Isabel the Catholic, Dª call Beatriz de Bobadilla. In third marriage Juana Masieres married with Dª, also lady, but in this case of queen Germanic Dª of Foix, second wife of D. Fernando the Catholic; of mentioned D here. Alonso Fernandez de Lugo, was several children of their three marriages, happening to him in their states the segundogénito of their first marriage, call:
D. Pedro Fernandez de Lugo Xuárez Gallinato, has been the second Advanced greater of the Canary Islands, commander in chief and perpetual greater justice of Tenerife and the Palm; advanced conqueror and of the province of Santa Marta, in the present state of Colombia. Don Pedro Fernandez de Lugo Xuárez Gallinato contracted marriage in Tenerife with Dª Ines of Herrera and Ayala, of those who he was successive son and D. Alonso Luis Fernandez de Lugo and Perez; day 22 of February of 1535, took possession in the name of its father, of the vacant Advanced one of Santa Marta until the shore of the Magdalena river, the other border left for the Government of Cartagena de Indias, with the name of the New Andalusia, until the Darién. It named D. Pedro by his lieutenant to his son D. Alonso Luis de Lugo, who respect the mandates to its father, not embarking of a secret form for Spain and taking with him many wealth. In sight of it his father named for the position that Gonzalo Ximénez de Quesada was holding to his son to D., and D. Alonso was made prisoner and accused, by abandonment of position and subtraction of wealth. Once deceased his father D. Pedro, D Alonso Luis was appointed Advanced, taking with himself people who, by their last names, were of Galicia or native their immediate ancestors, is the case of Rodrigo de Anaya, Lorenzo de Mexia Figueroa, three brothers of Ovalle last name; besides Pedro, Cristóbal and Gutierre, natural of Round, but descending of the Aballe of Galicia; Francisco Baamonde de Lugo(governer of Puerto Rico 1564-68), who was son of the Advanced one.
D. Alonso Luis, left Spain in 1540 and named Advanced in Santafé to Lope de Montalvo de Lugo, that was legitimate son of Juan Ruiz de Lugo and his Dª wife Maria de Soli's, natural of Salamanca. In new kingdoms D. Alonso Luis Fernandez de Lugo continued the series of feats of his majors and later she happened to Flanders, where she reached the degree of Colonel of Cavalry. It transacted the file and it entered in the Military order of Santiago in 1535, passing away the following year (1536). It was married with the sister of the Marquesa de Camarasa Dª Beatriz de Noroña and Mendoza, having by legitimate son and successor to another D. Luis Fernandez de Lugo and Noroña, who were named IV Advanced greater of the canary archipelago. Just like his father also was Horseman of the Military order of Santiago, in which he entered in 1574; money changer was a person of a character very, for that reason he was well-known with the names of Pretty and the Enchanted one. He contracted marriage in Valladolid with Dª Maria de Castilla, of those who it was not succession. When not being direct descendants, she inherited his you come, rights, action and roots her sexual niece called Dª Porcia Magdalena Marín de Lugo, who was daughter of Dª Luisa de Lugo and Noroña and of its husband, Duke of Newfoundland D. Nicholas Marín, this lady was duchess of Newfoundland. Antonio contracted marriage with D. Luis de Leiva, who was IV the prince of Asculi, Marquess of Atela, count of Monza and Grande of Spain, of the same one was succession.
The Rdo. gift Jose Curled Santiago, in the same work, to us continues informing that enters the branches derived from this Branch Second, that is to say Dª Porcia Magdalena Marín de Lugo and from its husband D. Antonio Luis de Leinva, are several genealogical lines, and indicates the following:
a. The one of the Advanced majors, that are referred until the extinction of the barony.
b. The one of the gentlemen of the island of Fuerteventura, with its mayorazgos and historical representation of the House of Saavedra.
c. The one of the Marquesses of Florida.
d. The call of Lugo Vine, with entailments in the islands of Tenerife and the Palm.
e. The second House of Lugo Vine, formed by Miguel Mauritius de Lugo vine, married in the Palm with Dª Maria Nicolasa de Cobrejas.
f. The one of Benítez de Grimaldi.
g. The one of the Marquesses of Zelada.
h. The named Méndez de Lugo, formed by Luis de Lugo, Advanced of the Canary Islands and established nephew of the first one in Tenerife shortly after the conquest.
Relatives in different degrees from the conquerors, Sherry neighbors of the Border, with genealogical origin in the Solar House of Lugo, and who passed the New Kingdom of Granada.
Tie with the Lugo de Albarracín, but with origin in the city of the Wall and the Sacrament, that is Lugo, and to be related with the conquerors of going them Canary and Santa Marta in Bogota, of them it gives to the ample news an executory one us of hidalguía won in 1603 by D. Jácome), in several documents also appoint Juan him), of Lugo Albarracín, this one important file is guarded in the National File of Colombia. Following the genealogical trees of the same, and where he makes ample reference and claim D. Francisco de Lugo Albarracín, on mayorazgo in Sherry of the Border. Using the same we establish the following genealogy:
Dª Ana de Lugo, who had been very near relative of D. Alonso Luis de Lugo, Advanced Greater of lily Canary Islands, contracted marriage with D. Juan de Albarracín, legitimate son of another D. Juan de Albarracín and of its Dª wife Elvira Alonso Benítez, who being neighboring of the Port of Santa Maria, left to Sherry of the Border, where they were father of D. Jácome or Juan de Lugo Albarracín, who matrimonió with Dª Maria Acebo or Acevedo Sotelo, being these parents of three called children: To D. Pedro de Lugo Albarracín, that passed away when younger, and Alonso had been protected of Advanced the D. Luis de Lugo, was married with Dª Elvira Alvarez of whom Isabel had a called daughter Alvarez de Lugo. B D. Alonso de Lugo Albarracín, (q.s.l.l.). C of the third son, in this case daughter, we do not know the name but we know that it had contracted marriage with Francisco Ponce of Leon, apparently familiar of the Duke of Arcs and the Marquess of Cadiz.
Alonso de Lugo Albarracín matrimonió with Dª Maria coins, daughter of D. Juan Perez de Acuña; who were children of other three called children: To D. Juan de Lugo Albarracín, (q.s.l.l.). B Alonso de Lugo Albarracín, who was father of a natural son called D. Luis de Lugo. D. D. Pedro de Lugo Albarracín, that happened of the New Kingdom from Granada to Spain and returned to the government of Caracas, where it contracted marriage and it passed away without succession.
D. Juan de Lugo Albarracín, who has been the one that I go to law and gained the Final decision. Ana was married with Dª de Boada, being legitimate parents of D. Francisco de Lugo Albarracín, who in 1694 did the information referred, demanding mayorazgo founded on Sherry by his ancestors, and that the older brother of his father had owned, D. Alonso de Lugo.
Famous genealogísta D. Juan Flórez de Ocáriz, mentions to D. Pedro de Lugo like regidor of the city of Santafé, its mother country where it contracted marriage with Dª Mariana de Alviz.
The same student, remembers to D. Lorenzo Hernandez de Lugo, who had contracted marriage with Dª Ana González Ocampo, daughter of D. Diego Marín of the Corral and of Dª Catherine González de Ocampo. According to it seems both they left the New Kingdom of Granada and happened to live in Peru.
Finally Juan mentions to D González de Lugo, who in 1619 had contracted marriage with Dª Catherine Rodriguez of the Tower.
In the same work the Curled Father does not say that the Albarracín the Garci'as de Albarracín were descending of D., an outstanding mountain noble, besides being one of the three hundred nobles that helped to King Alfonso X the Wise person (1252-1284) in the Sherry conquest. Of the son of Dª Ana de Lugo he says the executory referred one that he builds in the National File of Colombia, gained in 1603 by D. Jácome de Lugo Abarracín, that the Lugo “to have done many and very remarkable feats in the conquest of the New Kingdom of Granada, in the Indians, company of said to D. Alonso Luis de Lugo, and of D. Pedro de Lugo, its father, advanced of the Canary Islands, relatives of this Dª Ana de Lugo, its mother”.
According to the work of D. Manuel de Ossuna and Van Den Heede, titled “Regionalism in the Canary Islands” was the last possessor of the Advanced Mayorazgo of Canary Islands D. Juan Baptist of Bermuy Goatherd Fernandez de Lugo, Marquess of Villaseca, Source and the Rose, Count of the Jarosa, Talhara and Villanueva de Cárdenas. This gentleman passed away in Madrid in 1875.
Document transcription:
“Favor of the government of the island of Tenerife [to] Alonso de Lugo”. Burgos, 5 of November of 1496.
[To the margin:] The King and the Reyna.
Merçed of governaçion of ysla of Thenerife Alonso de Lugo.
“Don Fernando and Do6na Ysabel, etc. By quanto in çierto asyento and capitulaçion that by our errand volume with you, Alonso de Lugo, while by our errand fuystes to conquests to ysla of Thenerifee, is contained that acavada to gain the happiness ysla you would do merçed of governaçion della in quanto ours merçed and will would be; and agora that to Our Gentleman has plazido who gained the happiness ysla of Thenerifee by your hand and travajo, putting as pusistes your person to many dangers in this conquest; the qual seen to us and accepted, and the many avemos serviçios that of resçebido you and yours sufiçiençia and Suitability, thenemoos by good and are ours merçed and will that agora and of ahead stops in all your life seades here our governador of the happiness ysla of Thenerifee, and tengades us and in our name the ofiçios and justiçia and juridiçion çevil and criminal of the happiness ysla of Thenerifee, and vsedes of the ofiçios sayings by you and your lugarestenientes, asy mayors like bailiffs, who are ours merçed that these ofiçios podades to put and pongades; quales podades to clear and to admover and to put another one or others in its place, each that you quisierdes and entendierdes that cunple to our service and esecuçion of ours justiçía; and oyades and librdes all and to quelesquier lawsuits ceviles and criminals who in the saying, ysla estan moved and pending, and are començaren and will move; and ayades and llevedes quitaçion and all the other rights to the pertaining saying ofiçio and that because of podades and avedes to aver and to take. And by this our letter we commanded to the good Conçejos, cavalleros, regidores, escuderos, ofiçiales and omes of ysla of Thenerifee that, together in their Cavildos and Ajuntamientos, takes and resçiban of you this Alonso de Lugo the oath and solenidad that in such enclosure for bullfighting is required; asy I date, you ayan and resçiban and have by our governador of the happiness ysla, and vsencon you and with the sayings your lieutenants and fiçiales that you in our name reçibides in the saying ofiçio and entodo a the conçerniente, and you recudan and fagan to recuidir with quitaçion and rights and wages Annexes to pertaining; and that in it neither partly dello ynpedimiento some you puts nor they consyentan to put; etrosy, you consientean and dexe to hazer all and queles and quales investigations and things in the prevysos cases of dereco; and otrosy that if you vierdes that cunple to ours serviçio and esecuçion of ours justiçia to qualesquier people who in the happiness ysla estovieren or to her will come leave della and that does not enter nor they esten in her, and that you it podades to mangar della and that do not enter nor esten in her, and that you podades to send and mandedes of our part, to quales people hereby sent to us that within I finish and under the pain and pains that you of our part them pusierdes, leave della and they do not enter nor they esten in her, under these pains; quales podades to esecutar in the people and goods of the rebels and ynobedientes will be; and that stops to use the saying ofiçio and to conplir and to esecutar the happiness justiçia in the delinquentes, all are joined and conformed to you and you give and fagan to give all quevos favor and helps pipierdes and ovierdes necessity; and that the pains in which condenardes you or the sayings your perteneçientes ofiçiales to our Chamber pongades in the power of escrivano of the Conçejo, so that it has of dellos manifesto and faga book, to fazer dellos what we will be sent. For the qual everything that said are and for each thing and divide dello to fazer and to cunplir and to executar with all ynçideçias and depençias, anexidades and conexidades, you give to be able conplido by this our letter. And neither the other non fagades nor fagan ende to by some way, under pain of ours merçed and of ten mill maravedis for our Chamber. Given in the çibdad of Burgos to çinco day of the month of November year of the nasçimiento of Our Salvador Ihesu Christo of mill and quatrocientos and ninety and seys years = I the Rey.= Already the Reina.= and I Miguel Peres de Almaçan, secretary of the King and the Reyna, fi to escrevir porsu mandado.= Licenciatus Çapata.= Uares in decretis baccalareus”.
To be able dice to Alonso de Lugo so that it can only do and it makes the repartimiento of earth of the Island of Tenerife, Burgos 5 of November of 1496
Don Fernando and Do6na Ysabel, etc… By quanto while you Alonso de Lugo, our governador of ysla of Thenerifee, fuystes by our errand to conquer the happiness ysla, asento with you, by our errand, that dug to gain the happiness ysla we would send to nonbrar a person who understood along with you in the repartimiento of earth, houses and heredades that in the happiness ysla ay, to give it and to distribute to the people that to her went to colonize, the qual repartiesedes segund that seen well was; and so that agora ours merçed and will is that you only entendays in fazer and fagades dico repartimiento, by this our letter you we give to be able and faculty for quevos soo podays to fazer and fagades this repartimiento, segund that seen to you well will be that it is due to hazer so that the happiness ysla colonizes. And by this our letter you give to be able and faculty for it, segund said is; and fazemos merçed to the people to whom you dierdes and repartierdes and sañalarde to qualesquier territories and heredamientos of the happiness ysla of Tenerifee, and dello him dierdes your letter, so that he is his and can fazer dello segund and as and of the form and way that you dierdes, and with same the condiçiones. Of the qual you commanded to give to the present, signed of ours nonbres and sealed with our seal. Given in çidad of Burgos to çinco day of the month of nobiembre, year of the nasçicimiento of our Salvador Ihesu Christo of mill and quatroçientos and ninety and seys years. = I the King I Reina.= I Miguel Peres d' Almaçan, secretary of the King and the Reyna, our gentlemen, the fiz to escrevir by its errand. And in the backs, M. dottor.= Archidiaconus de Talabera= Licenciatus Çapata. Suarez, indecretis baccalareus.
Favor so that Alonso Fernandez de Lugo can bring certain arms. Burgos, 5 of November of 1496
Don Fernando and Do6na Ysabel, etc. Inasmuch as to the Reys and Prinçipes it is own thing to honrrar and to sublimate to fezer graçias and merçedes asus natural subjects and, espeçialmente those that syrven to them well and loyally; the qual accepted to us, and considered many and loyal serviçios good that you Alonso de Lugo us avedes date and fazedes of every day, espeçialmente in the conquests of yslas of Thenerifee and Sant quevos Miguel of Palma by our errand fuystes to conquer and conquistastes, and reduzistes to serviçio of God and ours, where pusystes your danger and person much arriesgos, and truxistes to which Kings of the happiness llamavan themselves yslas to give obediençia us and reberençia that devian; and because it is memory of so indicated of you and your lineage and desçendientes serviçios, thenemos by good and are our will and merçed: that alende and others of your arms, devos to give by arms two in the middle happiness yslas and two strengths dellas, so that podays; quales you tengays and traygays in your shield and resposteros and after you your deçendientes and lineage; and we sent that they are conoçidas by your arms and of your ynpedimento some in bringing dellas, by quanto we give you and we sent them that ayes and are conoçidas by yours anywhere that puyerdes. Of the qual you commanded to give to the present, signed of ours nonbres and sealed with our seal. Given in the çibdad of Burgos, to çinco day of the month of novienbre, year of the naçimiento of our Salvador Ihesu Christo of mill and quatroçientos and ninety and seys years. = I rey= I it Reina. = and I Miguel Peres d' Almaçan, secretary of the King and the Reyna, the fiz to escrevir by its errand. And in the backs: M. doctor= Archidiaconus de Talavera.= Liçenciado Çapta. = Suarez, in decretis baccalareur.
Albalá of Reina Isabel designating paje his to Pedro Fernandez de Lugo. Burgos, 20 of February of 1497
Pedro Fernandez de Lugo Mostró alvala of the Reyna our lady fyrmado of his nonbre date in this stews:
I Reyna fago to know you the my butler and accountants to it majors of the pantry and ration of my house, that my favor and will is to take by my paje to Pero Hernades de Lugo, son of Alonso de Lugo, and who aya and has of my of E ration quitacion in each mill and five hundred a nine year maravedis. So that you control: that pongades and asentedes asy in my books and you name of the E rations quitaciones, that you tenedes, and libredes to this Pero Hernandes the sayings maravedis in this present year of the date deste my alvala, and dende in future in each a year, segund and quando librades to the other people of my house, which they have the resemblances maravedis; and you take in treslado desta said my alvala and asentadle to you in the sayings my books; and age and you return this original one, superscript and freed of you, this Pero Hernandes; and not fagades ende to. I date in cibdad of Burgos, to veynte day of the month of hebrero year of the nascimiento of Our Mr. Ihesu Chisto of mill and quatrocientos and ninety and seven years =I it Reya. = I Juan of the Vine, secretary of the Reyna, our lady, fise to escrevir by its errand.
He was seobreescripta, levola in his power like asento in books years of XCVII. Freed to this Pero Fernandes sayings IX OR CCCC, maravedis by name date to III of April of XCVIII in the located Francisco of Madrid.
Antonio Rumeu Armas. “Alonso Fernández de Lugo en la Corte de los Reyes Católicos 1496-1497.
Archivo General de Simancas. Casa Real de Castilla, leg. 65.
Archivo General de Simancas. Registro del Sello, noviembre de 1496.
Archivo Histórico Provincial de Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Año 1512 Protocolos. Institución de Mayorazgo de D. Alonso Fernández de Lugo.
Archivo Nacional de Colombia. Ejecutoria ganada por D. Jácome de Lugo Albarracín, año 1603. Tomo II Genealogía. Arbol XXVII.
D. Juan Pallares Gayoso, en su obra Argos Divina. Año 1700, Imprenta de Santiago de Compostela de D. Benito Antonio Frayz
Diccionario de Historia de España, Madrid, 1968.
Diccionario histórico biográfico, genealógico y heráldico de la Provincia, formada por siete tomos.
El Padre Fray Felipe de la Gándara, en su obra “Armas y Triunfos de los Hijos de Galicia”,
Gran Enciclopedia Gallega (edición de 1974). Tomo XII, paginas 69/71.
La escritura de aprobación de mayorazgo fue realizada por el escribano de Medina del Campo D. Gil Eras en 30 de marzo de 1512, cuya fundación aprobó el Adelantado por escritura que pasó ante Antón de Vallejo, escribano de La Laguna, en 19 de mayo de 1515, con precisa condición de que el poseedor se llamase D. Alonso Fernández de Lugo.
Manuela Marrero Rodríguez, La esclavitud en Tenerife a raíz de la conquista. La Laguna, 1966. Diccionario de la Historia de España, Madrid 1968;
Noticias de la Historia general de las Islas Canarias. Imprenta Isleña, 1859, tomo II.
Pradre Crespo. “Blasones y linajes de Galicia”.
Titulo nobiliario concedido en 14 de abril de 1748 (Real despacho de 14 de abril de 1753) a don Juan Fermín Apesteguía y Ubajo, caballero de Santiago.
by Luis Lopez Pombo